Vlinderwerkgroep Friesland


The Board:

Siep Sinnema Sparjeburd 29 8409 CK Hemrik 0516-471222 info@vlinderwerkgroepfriesland.nl
Gerard Bergsma Bosweer 29 8426 GS Appelscha 0516-432414 bergsmagj@cs.com
Luut de Zee Roefke 1 8502 BV Joure 0513-418013 Luut.de.zee@zonnet.nl
Jannie Sinnema Sparjeburd 29 8409 CK Hemrik 0516-471222 s.g.sinnema@wxs.nl
John Boosman Koaidyk 5 9264 TT Earnewâld 0511-539238 john.boosman@wanadoo.nl
Gerrit Tuinstra De Twee Gebroeders 214 9207 CB Drachten 0512-518246 gerrittuinstra@wanadoo.nl
Subscription: € 5,- a year. Girorekening 7223259 t.n.v. L.D. de Zee, Joure

On November 19 1985 the Society for Research on Butterflies and Moths in Friesland was founded.
It is part of the Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging afdeling Noord.
The society is studying Butterflies as well as Moths (micro and macro).
Twice a year the society has a meeting in Leeuwarden and an "identifying-day" is planned every year in January.
Several excursions are planned every year; these excursions have a dual purpose: in the afternoon for studying butterflies, in the night for studying moths (with light-traps).
In 2000 the book "Dagvlinders in Fryslân" was presented.
Members of the society paticipated in the book "De kleine vlinders" bij J. Kuchlein (1993), a book on the microlepidoptera in the Netherlands.
Members of the society also report their observations for the project on research of the migration of butterflies and moth by Rob de Vos in Amsterdam.

Hemithea aestivaria ( foto's S.G.Sinnema )

E-mail: info@vlinderwerkgroepfriesland.nl