Vlinderwerkgroep Friesland


Database of Lepidoptera in Friesland

Since the year 2000 (after the presentation of Dagvlinders in Fryslan) the society is concerning more about the moths.
All data are collected in a database. The data are sent to info@vlinderwerkgroepfriesland.nl by an Excel-file; you will find this file on this page.
We are working on maps of the province of Friesland, representing the distribution of butterflies and moth in the province. The Werkgroep Vlinder Faunistiek together with the Vlinderstichting, is doing the same thing for the whole Netherlands; you can see some results on Vlindernet.nl.
Below you find, as an example, a part of the file of the year 2002 of the Sinnema's.

E-mail: info@vlinderwerkgroepfriesland.nl